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Scheduling SSIS packages to run in Azure

Migrating SSIS Packages in Azure can be a complex task. SSMS 18 comes with new features for helping us to start configuring SSIS packages to run in Azure.

SSMS 18 provides support for scheduling SSIS package, located in SSIS Catalog in Azure or File System, in Azure. There are three entries for launching the New Schedule dialog, New Schedule menu item is shown when right-clicking the SSIS package in SSIS Catalog in Azure, Schedule SSIS Package in Azure menu item under Migrate to Azure menu item under Tools menu item and “Schedule SSIS in Azure” shown

Migrate to Azure by using SSMS 18.x

The cases of migrating our database in Azure become more and more every day. Azure SQL Database is the flagship SaaS service Microsoft Provides for hosting a relational database. But no matter it is the same engine there are still many features not supported or with limited functionalities in Azure SQL DB comparing to on premises SQL Server versions

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My Speaking@ Calendar by the end of the year 2015 includes PASS SUMMIT !

It’s going to be a busy second half of the year in my calendar. I have been trying to be very restrictive in putting events there, just because I strongly believe that speaking at a technical event should be something special, deserving all my energy and at a place and audience that I love or would like to go. And because I am not targeting a speaker career only, I want to perform this part of my job with special attention and planning. I would like to give myself enough time between the events to not get exhausted. I would like to have enough energy to be able to give people something valuable.

Following that, I ended up with speaking at my favorite events – Oslo, Copenhagen, and Seattle. (See my new events calendar)

What’s coming in SQL Server 2016

BG SQL User Group Meeting

Next week on June 25th we will have a meeting of our user group. I will be talking about SQL Server 2016, new things that are coming in next version.

See you on Microsoft office, 55 Nicola Vaptzarov Blvd, EXPO 2000, Sofia. We will try to record the session.



The session recording from BG SQL UG meeting on 25th of June 2015. The topic: “What’s coming in SQL Server 2016”.

The recording is in Bulgarian language

Part 1, Speaker: Ivan Donev, MS:

Part 2: Speaker: Magi Naumova:

SQL Server 2016 CTP2 is now ready for testing!

Sharing first thoughts

Today Microsoft has announced the CTP2 of SQL Server 2016 (, the long waited public preview of the new SQL Server version. And as one of my friends said some time ago, “I was just about to retire when they release a new version and it became exited again”. Speaking of myself, I am not planning to retire soon, but a first CTP of a new SQL Server version is truly exciting event, like taking a new adventure, it is like getting a new motivation for the job.

So what motivates me in this new version and what I am planning to write and speak about in next few months (years) (and hopefully implement in practice and production environments).

I am rarely doing one of those posts that just targets clicks by fancy title and says nothing but a link that you could find by yourself. So beside giving you links and keywords of the product, let me share with you my favorite features that I am going to test and blog, and some info about how to start your own testing of this newly released CTP2.